The latest House Republican investigative boondoggle has lumbered into existence with the first hearing this week. It went off the rails nearly as much as the Benghazi committee’s Hillary Clinton interrogation, but with the added dash of crazy of it being about...
What happens when, despite your best efforts, local school systems sue your state claiming a lack of adequate funding? You get nervous is what happens. Especially when three previous lawsuits claiming your state has underfunded schools have been successful. When a...
All is not well within the Tennessee Republican Party. At least, not if you’re an establishment Republican. That’s likely not a shock if you’ve followed politics to any degree in the Volunteer State in the past few years, but the depth and degree of...
Eminent Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes famously described his fellow judges as “nine scorpions in a bottle,” but now they are reduced to eight. Justice Antonin Scalia’s passing had hardly been made public when Republicans began proclaiming that President...
Dear Democrats, The following message from Bernie Sanders was re-Tweeted by Hillary Clinton this afternoon. In case some of you just did a double take, I’ll repeat: Hillary Clinton today re-Tweeted a message from Bernie Sanders. Understand: this is larger than your...
From The Republican presidential campaign has wound down to just three candidates who seem to have a shot at the nomination: Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz. Each of these candidates has proposed a huge tax cut plan. Trump’s would cost $11.2...